Your Company Culture Sucks. Now What?


Nowadays company culture is a bit of a buzz term and for good reason. Culture standards are set high by companies like Zappos and Twitter, so if you aren’t taking it seriously - you’re behind. We’re here to give you a few tips on how to improve the environment your employees work in.

Employee Engagement

Making sure your employees are engaged in the work they do seems like a no-brainer but it is often times overlooked. Great employees = great business and that should be the mantra to live by. Some ways to do this are things like themed days or team lunches. We do Hawaiian Fridays at our office. Shout out to TIm for getting that started.

Employee Appreciation

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In simple terms, without your employees you have no business so make sure to take the time to appreciate them while they are with you. The value of a simple thank you goes a long way. We like to thank our employees with a branded appreciation box on each of their anniversaries and also when they start with the company.

Let us know if we can help you thank your employees with a branded box.

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Maintain Trust

Trust is a key component of any relationship in one’s life and that is especially true in the workplace. Because inside of a company people are constantly relying on each other to get things done, each employee needs to be able to trust the next. Some ways to accomplish an environment of trust are good communication, constant follow through, and ability to give constructive feedback at all times. These three characteristics make it easy for employees to rely on each other and voice issues when they have them which is key to keeping a good company culture.

Sense of Purpose

With the current generations of people in the work force, they want to feel a connection with what they are doing. People want to work or be involved in ideas that help make things better. That is why in a workplace it is important to give your employees goals and also, help them understand where the company is hope to go in the future. You can do this by setting up a five year plan and sharing with your employees so they can buy in to what you want done. Another key factor is having a strong vision and mission for the company and showing your employees how you are working hard towards those. That will help your team make decisions that are for the common goal and not for the individual.

Great Leadership

In any company leadership sets the tone for the culture, so it is important that people in leadership positions are clear about what they want their employees to do for the company. This involves having a clear vision, setting actionable goals and being a person that people look to for information or leadership when situations get tough. Culture comes from the top down - so having a strong sense of leadership is crucial to a strong company and culture.

Company culture is essential to improving the longevity of your business. Without a great team culture and an effort to account for what your employees need, there will be no reason for people to stay.


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